Summer is almost here and it’s time to let those “little piggies” shine!! Everyone wants their feet to look nice barefoot, and in sandals and flip flops so after the long winter it’s time for a pedicure. Pedicures are necessary to get your feet looking great for going to the pool, the beach and backyard parties, but did you know besides your feet looking awesome a pedicure has health benefits as well. Keep reading to learn the 6 health benefits to having regular pedicures.
1) Early Detection of Problems Getting a regular pedicure will enable the pedicurist to recognize the early signs of corns, bunions and fungal infections that can be easily treated if caught in the early stages. 2) Decreases the Chances of Infections Proper clipping, cutting & filing, and cleaning of the toe nails helps to prevent ingrown nails. Removing dirt and bacteria will help eliminate foot odor and fungal infections. Keeping the toe nails at the proper length helps to prevent injury to the nail bed. 3) Preservers Skin’s Moisture Getting a pedicure means that your feet will get to soak in warm water and a foot soak solution. Your feet will be massaged with oils and lotions to help revive the skin on your feet and keep them moist to eliminate cracking and peeling of the skin, and possible blisters. Keeping the cuticles moist to help prevent ridges and split cuticle ends so the nails don’t lift at the nail beds. 4) Exfoliates Feet Exfoliation is the removal of dead skin cells, and it prevents the build-up of dead skin that can cause bunions or corns that can become quite painful. Keeping the feet exfoliated especially at the heel, edge of the big toe and the edge of the upper pad of your foot will not only encourage new cell growth, but also make your feet softer, smoother and more attractive and giving you more confidence to wear flip flops and those awesome, sexy strappy sandals. 5) Promotes Circulation The best part of any pedicure is the awesome massage!! Not only is it most enjoyable it is also very beneficial. It promotes, and increases circulation, and helps to relieve tension in the calves and feet. 6) Relaxes the Body A “good” salon pedicure can be very relaxing and quite therapeutic to the body as well as being good for the feet. We don’t think about giving the care to our feet that we do to the rest of our body. We always pay attention to our face, hands and parts of our body that the public sees, but hey, caring for your feet is important to your overall health. They get us where we are going and they hold up over 10 times their weight every day. Be kind to your feet. Show them love, and whether you get a professional salon pedicure or you do your own, get a pedicure at least once a month. It will help your feet stay healthy and beautiful.