Social media is a great way to engage with current and potential customers. By utilizing social media in your marketing plan you are spreading awareness about your services that you offer, and creating brand loyalty among customers. With social media taking over almost every industry, especially the beauty industry, it is crucial for salon owners and stylists to connect with customers on all platforms.

One thing to remember is to post content that will intrigue your target customer. Post facts, information or photos that will be appealing to your target audience. Salons should post content such has hair and beauty tips or how-to videos.

Facebook is the perfect way for salons to share their services, post photos of your clients’ hair or create contests and giveaways to promote brand loyalty. Create engaging content and post A LOT of pictures. People love free stuff. By creating a contest or giveaway you are increasing the likelihood of a person commenting on your post or even sharing the post to their Facebook friends, increasing the overall awareness for your salon.

Instagram is a great way to market your salon and show a wide variety of your work. Use trending hashtags to draw more viewers to your profile. You can also use hashtags to point out your location. Doing this will allow future customers looking for a salon nearby may stumble upon your photo and your salon. Instagram is the perfect platform to showcase your talent. Post before and after pictures to grab users’ attention. Don’t forget to be fun and unique! Like Facebook you can post contests and promotions. One example would be: “Post a picture of your new summer pedicure with the hashtag #mynewpedicure and be entered for a chance to win your next pedicure for free!”

Twitter is a great place to post information about the different services you offer with a link to your website where customers can get more information. Offer incentives for retweets. Retweets get your name out there and will help bring in new customers. Hashtags were created for Twitter so make sure to use them. Customers are usually interested in what you have to say and will likely want your advice when it comes to their beauty or hair care.

Utilizing social media is the perfect way to engage and connect with current and potential customers. Social media is vital to any business’ PR and marketing plan.